Thursday, July 24, 2008

Training on the Permaisuri Lake

I usually do all my quality runs on the mill.

When I hit the running track around the Permaisuri

lake, I usually do easy and recovery run, normally

run 4 to 6 laps which total about 5 to 8km.

However, I used to start out fast and suffered

a great deal during the later part of the run.

Yesterday, I tagged along a group, running the first

three laps at very comfortable pace (6:20-6:50),

then my runnning partner Ming came along and I ran with him.

The plan was to run two laps at my tempo/interval

pace(5:20-5:06), follow with a recovery lap.

The two fast pace laps really felt fast, and I

felt so good and strong that I thought

I could have gone faster.

I think three things had worked out right here. Firstly,

the warm up laps really prepared me for the fast laps.

I remembered that the first lap felt really awful when I just started

the run that I just wish the run to be over. Then I felt slightly

better on the second lap and after the third lap I could feel

that my legs were light and they were ready for the pounding.

So, next time don't skip or cut short the warmup laps...

Secondly, I think the weight training finally pay off.

I could feel that the legs are much stronger and I have

enough muscle strength to really open up the stride. So, I

think I would do more workout on hip flexor, knee

extension, knew curl, leg press, calf raise, etc.

I would also build up the weight progressively, may be up

a notch (5 to 10 lbs) now and see where it leads me...

Thirdly, the speed work on the mills is really working ...

Opps, I think I could turn the lake "easy" run into

a tempo, next time, warmup with 3 laps,

then tempo pace 3-4laps(4-5km), cooldown with

2 laps and that actually totals up to a 10K or more,

not too bad for an "easy" run.

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