Monday, August 4, 2008

Hartamas Run

Guilded by last post's reflection on HR training, I

had a perfect execution of Sunday Hartamas Training Run,

a medium long run of the week.

Guilded by the mantra "PACE the First Half, RACE the second",

I went out at an easy and controllled pace. Well, at first, it

felt just too easy ( At this stage, I kept on reminding

myself to relax and it was supposed to be easy). Then, as the

run unwind itself, it is getting harder, especially on all the hills.

I kept ease out the pace so that my HR would not cross the 160(MHI boundary).

The percieved effort was neither too easy nor too hard.

I would certainly thought that it was like Arthur Lydiard's "Confortably

hard" effort. I didn't really heed my pace, as it was a undulating course.

I kept a 5:30 pace on flat and roughly ran uphills at a slightly increased

perceived effort and slightly easier effort on the downhills to recover.

(I think I am still not a very good hill runner, I should do more

mill hill training).

After reaching Petronas, took five to visit the loo and a drink of Gastrorale.

Now, the second half, surprisingly, was not felt as hard as before(previous week's).

I think the "PACE the first half" really do you good on the second half.

I was gliding ( I think the return journey is easier on the Hartamas route as it

has more downhills) and feeling strong and comfortable. I think I maintain a decent

5:30 "flat effort" all the way and reserving the stregth for a really fast run the last

2ks whick is all downhill running.

The last 2ks felt really fast and I thought I was flying...

RACE the second Half.

BTW, a good training doesn't just train your physiological parameter's like

LT, VO2MAX, etc, it can also train on the racing aspect--how you should race.

Well, the easy run besides piling up your weekly mileage, has a point of teaching

the dicipline of holding back. The hard interval/tempo might do good on

training the GUT. The long run, well, I had just talked about it.

Crank on.

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