I was a very heavy smoker once, and an alcoholic too.
And you know what drinking and smoking can do to you
(I was once unable to run/walk a 1 kilometer).
God knows how many times I tried quiting smoking, and
it was best put by Mark Twain's character Tom Sawyer,
"Quiting smoking is easy, I have done it a thousand times..."
(For some of you who don't get it, you only need to quit it once
if it is really working, and quiting a thoudsand times means a
thoudsand times of failure).
Well, I think the word "knowledge is power" is really important in
the endeavor of quiting smoking bussiness. There were so many products
in the market out there, each claiming that it will help smoker quit
smoking easier but in fact does nothing more that just prolonging
the withdrawal syndrome of quiting smoking, and thus making quiting
even more torturing. I have trid the nicotine patch,
nicotine chewing gums, chinese herbs, etc. Trust me, they just
DON'T WORK!!! Save your money and time if anyone tried to sell
you these.
Let me tell you, the BEST WAY of quiting is just QUIT COLD TURKEY.
I strongly recommend that you read all the articles in Joel's Library
in http://whyquit.com/ . These articles are very infomative and
will equip you well in quiting.
I once held a Quit Smoking presentation in the company that I work,
and I include the slides that I prepared click here .
It was more than 4 year ago since I smoke the last stick of cigarette,
and ever since from then, I had ran 10 marathons. I have successfully
transformed myself from a smoker to a marathoner.
Each day that I run now, I thanks the me 4 years ago that was kind
enough, strong enough and lucky enough to quit. I now totally
reaped the benefits of what I did 4 years ago.
However, I fully understand that an ex-smoker is not a never smoker,
I have to abide to the law of addiction and never take another puff...
For those of you who are trying to quit smoking and couldn't, please
read and re-read Joel's article cited above.
I strongly think that quiting smoking is the best thing that I have done
to myself and hopefully, you will do the same.
Crank on.
T-REX Outline Hike at Bukit Kiara
6 days ago
When you have quit smoking for awhile you should begin to observe the advantages of a smoke free life. More information on Quit Cigarette Smoking
to quit smoking on website.
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