long time (seem centuries) ago that I was able to do any
quality run, ever since I picked up the hip injury.
The tempo wasn't really up to the pre-injured standard,
and there are still sore here and there.
Phychologically, I was so worry that I'll aggravate the injury
or picking up another.
Then, I thought,I really need to focus on the positive things,
like how much better I have improved and felt.
Just not long ago, I could only see and envy people running,
while I couldn't even afford to do the stationary biking.
With that mind shift, imagine how lucky I was able
to run, again.
Never mind about how fast or how long that I can run now, the very fact that
I was able run again is great enough for celebration.
Suddenly, I feel free and alive again. Not long ago, when other life stressors
pop in, the usual dose of antistress--runnning is unavailable. And I was really
sinking ...
Now, I realize how much fixation I have on running. Not only that
I run for a time goal for a goal race, but more importantly,
running defines me.
I run to feel better.
I run because I like it.
I run to stay in shape.
I run to loose weight.
I run to prefect myself.
I run ...
We might have thousands reasons why we run, but we always forget that we only
run when we could. If you got an injury that was severe enough like I did, you
know exactly what I mean.
Unfortunately, while I was picking my way up on the rehabilation, my wife
had another bout of ITB syndrome outbreak.
I understand completely the frustration and apprehension she felt as
SIM08 is closing.
But I couldn't do anything to help except putting her on NSAID, ice, and NO RUNNING.
I know, NO RUNNING SUCKS, but what to do, we have to do the RUGHT thing.
(By the way, I drop the PBIM08, there just isn't enough time for me to
prepare for a marathon that close).
crank on.
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